Health & Wellness

why you should teach your child mindfulness

Why should you teach your child mindfulness? If you have visited my blog before, you know that I am a huge proponent of mindfulness meditation. One of the best gifts you can give your child is to show them how to live in the moment. To accept the experiences of the mind, body, emotions, and environment without judging. By teaching them mindfulness you are furnishing them with a tool that will help them to navigate every stage of their lives.

Why teach them mindfulness?

Develops Self-regulation

According to psychologists Philip David Zelazo and Kristen E. Lyons, teaching children to be able to reflect on their experiences (mindfulness) in the moment helps them to develop self-regulation. Self-regulation means self-control of thoughts, actions and emotions.

They found in their studies that developing self-regulation in childhood has been found to predict outcomes in the children’s future. Children who have learned to regulate themselves do better in school, have better physical health, are less likely to have problems with substance dependence, have better socioeconomic status, are less likely to engage in criminal behavior, and have higher IQs. You can read their research in more detail in their article in Child Development Perspectives.

Decreases anxiety and stress

A child’s growing up years from birth through adolescence and into teen years are filled with stressful events. From learning to communicate and walk to developing relationships and trying to become independent. We all know growing up isn’t easy. Mindfulness is an enormously powerful tool to help your child deal with life stressors. Also, studies have shown that you can teach children mindfulness as early as preschool!

Helps them to manage their emotions

It has shown that when children practice mindfulness it brings them to a positive state of mind. It helps them feel better and happy because they feel in control of themselves. Studies have shown it may also help children who have aggressive behavior.

Improves attention and focus

Studies have shown it may also help children with ADHD.

Improves memory

Children spend their lives being told what to do; eat this, do this, go there. This may make them go through their day on autopilot. Mindfulness brings them back to the present moment so they can be present in their lives.

Helps with self-acceptance and self-understanding

Mindfulness brings their thoughts and feelings to the forefront. By looking at their thoughts and feeling objectively and without judgment, they experience more acceptance and understanding of themselves.

Practice What You Teach

Before you begin the process of teaching your child mindfulness it is important to learn about and try it yourself. Mindfulness is a simple concept and does not require years of practice to know what you’re doing. It would be helpful to you to know about it so you are ready to answer questions and make your child feel more comfortable with giving it a try. You can try the mindfulness exercise below and you can also check out one of my past blogs, Mindfulness Meditation-Begin Today To Change Your Life.

Fun Mindfulness Exercises to Try

For all of these exercises, begin with 5 minutes and then as your child becomes accustomed to it you can add on time slowly.

Simply Breathing

This is as easy as sitting or lying in a comfortable position with your child. Then bring your attention to your breath coming in through your nose, going to your belly, and then back out your nose or mouth. Just being aware of your breathing. As easy as that!

Nature Observer

You and your child should sit outside for this. You should get comfortable on the grass in the yard or a balcony. If you can put your bare feet on the ground all the better. Then sit and listen to the sounds you hear. Try not to talk while your listening. Tell your child they can tell you everything they heard when the five-minute timer goes off.


For a minute do jumping jacks or running in place with your child. Then sit down comfortably and put your hand on your chest. Then pay attention to how your heartbeat and breathing feel.

These exercises are a great place to start. There are many other ways to practice mindfulness. You can find them online and there are also guided mindfulness apps you can use. It really doesn’t matter how you do it. It is just a matter of being in the moment.

Jon Kabat-Zinn

Jon Kabat-Zinn the founder of MBSR mindfulness-based stress reduction said, “mindfulness is defined as the awareness that emerges through paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally to the unfolding of experiences moment by moment.” He also said, “Be aware and accepting of whatever state the body and mind are in. Mindfulness can be practiced through; mindful eating, driving, walking or any experience in our lives.” He is an amazing mindfulness teacher. I have taken his Masterclass and it was a life changer for me and I highly recommend it.

MindUp For Life

Goldie Hawn has created an organization called MindUp For Life – The Goldie Hawn Foundation. According to, “MindUp infuses developmental neuroscience, mindfulness awareness practice, social-emotional awareness practice, social-emotional learning and positive psychology to foster children’s well-being and resiliency.” Studies show that children who regularly practice “brain breaks,” a mindful awareness practice are better able to regulate their emotions and they have improved mental health.

Let’s be honest, anybody with half a brain knows that our current education system and the way we teach our children need to be reevaluated. We need to come up with new ways to teach our children that take into consideration different personality types, emotional and mental health wellness. If you are an educator please check out this amazing organization. They have programs already developed for schools and families. MindUp For Life – The Goldie Hawn Foundation.

I hope that I have inspired you to teach your child mindfulness. I am very passionate about this subject because I think that it can have a positive impact on so many kids’ lives. Take care and I hope you have many happy mindful moments with your child!

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8 Ways to truly relax

I needed to write this blog for myself. My idea of relaxing most of the time is watching television or playing on my phone. These activities are fine, but they shouldn’t be the only way in which I recharge. If you’re anything like me you probably don’t use your downtime in a way that makes you feel relaxed and recharged either. Today I’m sharing some things you can do that will truly leave you more relaxed; body, mind, and spirit!

8 Ways to truly Relax

1) Read

Reading is an amazing way to relax. It improves our mental health as well as reduces stress. It also enhances our focus, memory, empathy, and communication skills. In addition to all that, it also teaches us new things!

2) Take A Warm Bath

Soaking in a warm bath can do amazing things for our stress levels. It relaxes our muscles and lowers blood pressure. Taking a bath before bedtime can also improve sleep!

3) Do a Guided Meditation

Guided meditation is a perfect way to relax and destress after a busy day. There are so many great guided meditation apps available. Here are a few of my favorites; Calm, Insight Timer, and Headspace.

4) Exercise

Exercise not only relaxes us but also improves our health and sense of well-being. Exercise pumps up the feel-good chemicals in our brains. It is a meditation in motion, which allows us to forget the stresses of our day by concentrating on the movement of our bodies.

5) Spend Time Outside

Time spent outside in nature is an amazing way to relax. A walk around the neighborhood or a hike in the woods lowers blood pressure, reduces stress hormone levels, improves immune system function, and increases self-esteem. It also reduces anxiety and buoys mood!

6) Spend Time With Your Pets

Spending time cuddling and playing with animals is very relaxing. It reduces levels of cortisol and lowers blood pressure. Time with animals can also decrease feelings of loneliness and boost our mood.

7) Listen To Music

Music is a great relaxation technique. It’s also great for our mental health. The rhythmic and repetitive aspect of music does something to our brain that automatically calms us.

8) Go For A Massage Or Facial

A facial or massage is a wonderful way to relax and a great form of self-care. It’s important to incorporate special forms of relaxation and self-care into our busy schedules. It’s okay to be pampered once in a while – we deserve it!

I hope you will try to integrate some of these relaxation activities into your weekly schedule. I think you’ll have more peace and be more rested if you are intentional with how you spend your downtime!

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Journaling is an amazing form of self-care

Self-care is an important part of taking care of ourselves. Anything that contributes to making us healthier in mind, body, and spirit can be categorized as self-care. Today, I will be discussing journaling as a form of self-care. Journaling is an easy and inexpensive way to take care of yourself. All you need is a blank page and a pen!

why Journal?

improve mental, emotional and
spiritual wellness
solve a problem
gain claritycreative expression
Boosts moodreleases stress

There are no rules to follow when journaling. All you have to do is look inward to get in touch with your feelings and needs. Writing down your thoughts allows you to process what is going on in your head. It also helps you to self-reflect and learn from your experiences.

self-care journal ideas:

Reflective: Write down something that happened in your life. It can be something good or bad.

Morning Pages: Write down whatever comes to mind every morning. (for about 10-15 minutes)

Things That Lift You Up: Make a list of people, places and things that lift you up. Close your eyes, then think of all the things that make you smile and write them down. Dedicate a page in your journal to each of these.

In addition to the ideas above, another great way to kick start your journaling is to use journal prompts. A journal prompt is a statement or question that guides what you write. Below is a list of some journal prompts that I found. You can also find hundreds by looking on Pinterest or Google.

Journal Prompts

  • On my worst days I want to remember that ______
  • What is something I can do today that will make me feel better tomorrow?
  • What is the thing I value most in life and why?
  • What is the best beach or lake day that you can remember?
  • How would your best friend describe you to a stranger?
  • What is your best childhood memory?
  • What does success mean to you?
  • What do you need to let go of?
  • What qualities do you admire most?
  • What makes you feel loved and why?
  • Where is your favorite place to go and why?
  • What do you need to start saying “no to?
  • when do I feel most at ease?
  • when do I feel most happy?
  • What do I think my most powerful trait is?
  • Am I living my life in alignment right now?
  • What things am I doing to positively affect my future?
  • What drains my energy? What gives me energy?

Journaling for self-care is a simple and wonderful way to take care of yourself. You will find that writing is very cathartic and you will feel better after journaling. To build the habit try journaling at the same time each day because this makes it easier to be consistent. I hope that you enjoyed this blog and that you will give journaling a try!

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5 wise quotes that will make you think

Quote #1

“Grown men don’t cry, growing men do.”


I’m not sure when the stigma against men crying and showing emotion began, but I think it is one of the most detrimental things to happen to our world.

Human beings are emotional creatures, so whoever decided that men should deny who they innately are, is a complete and utter idiot.

Feeling emotions and crying are sure signs that we’re evolving as human beings. Men should be celebrated and not shamed for this!

Quote #2

“So much of my life was a reaction to a reaction”


I’ve always been very reactive in my relationships. I’m learning that it’s okay not to react to everything that is said to me.

Most of the time when people are saying things that are offensive to me, it has more to do with them than with me. My life becomes more peaceful when I don’t take things personally.

There are still days that people get under my skin, but it’s okay because I’m striving for progress, not perfection!

Quote #3

You are never to old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”

C.S. Lewis

I believe wholeheartedly that age is just a number. You are only as old as you feel. I think the older we get the more we have to offer the world.

The experience and wisdom that comes from living life expand the more life we live.

It’s never too late to go after and achieve our dreams. I think it’s easier the older we get because we have an arsenal of life experiences to help us along the way! So keep on dreaming!

Quote #4

“Gratitude can change common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.”

-William A. Ward

I believe that being grateful can change our lives. When we focus on the abundance in our lives instead of what we lack, our lives become better.

I’ve been trying to wake up every morning grateful for the day ahead, and I’m finding it makes all the difference!

Quote #5

“Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it.”

-Eckhart Tolle

This is a revolutionary concept to me and it is more difficult than it sounds. I am working hard to incorporate this idea into my life.

I have found that my life is easier and more peaceful when I can accept what is happening in the present moment instead of fighting it.

By not resisting and getting out of the way, life has a way of unfolding in the most wonderful ways!

These are quotes that mean a lot to me. I hope that you find them inspirational and helpful on your journey of self-discovery!

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Wellness Activities You can do right now

We all want to lead healthier, happier and more evolved lives. Wellness activities are things that can help us on our way to that goal. I am always looking for new things I can do to become healthier physically, emotionally and spiritually. I believe that each and every one of us has a responsibility to ourselves, our families and our fellow humans to try to be the absolute best people we can be. So here are some wellness activities that you can begin right now!

Cook a healthy dinner

Here is one of my favorite healthy dinner recipes. It is good for you and delicious. Make it tonight!

Sheet Pan Fajitas

Meditate for 10 minutes

Meditating is one of the best things that you can do for yourself. It improves your emotional, physical and mental health all at once! Calm is a great meditation app. Click on the YouTube video below to try one of their meditations now and if you like it, you can get the app on your phone!

Listen to an inspiring ted talk or YouTube video

I love to broaden my horizons and learn new things! Ted Talks, YouTube videos and podcasts are amazing ways to learn new and inspiring self-help and wellness ideas. Wayne Dyer is one of my mentors. I have read many of his books and his ideas really resonate with me. You can listen to one of his videos below right now!

Do some exercises

Here is a great ab workout that I found on YouTube. It gives you a lot of bang for your buck. Try it now!

Start Coloring

I have loved coloring since I was a kid. It is a wonderful way to decompress and be creative at the same time. There are many wonderful adult coloring books available. Next time you’re out, buy one and a small pack of crayons. Happy coloring!

I hope that you enjoy these wellness activities and that they help you to live a healthier and happier life. Take care and know that you are incredible!

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want to be less stressed? Practice Niksen

The Dutch art of niksen is the practice of doing nothing. It entails being completely idle without trying to achieve anything. This is an outrageous idea for those of us who thrive on multi-tasking and checking things off our to-do list. How is it possible that doing nothing can be good for us?

Well, it’s true, niksen is great for our body and mind. It reduces anxiety and stress, slows down the aging process, while also strengthening our immune system.

"Don't underestimate the value of doing nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can hear, and not bothering." -Pooh's Little Instruction Book

How to practice Niksen:

  • Look out the window
  • Listen to music
  • Sit outside
  • Walk in nature
  • Daydream

This is a time to let your mind wander and not be focused on anything. Surprisingly, while doing nothing our brain is still working and it can use this break to solve problems we may be having. In addition, it can make us more creative!

Niksen can also help us to become more inspired about achieving our dreams and make us more apt to take actions that will help us to achieve them.

It may be challenging at first because we’re not used to not doing anything. Just looking out a window can feel uncomfortable and weird at first. If you can push through these feelings and practice niksen for a few minutes each day, eventually you’ll be able to do it for longer periods comfortably.

Niksen may seem similar to meditation, but they are actually very different. Meditation and mindfulness require you to keep your awareness on your breathing and to stay in the moment. However, while practicing niksen the mind is given leave to wander, aware of nothing in particular.

It is important to remember to let your mind go in a way that is positive, imaginative, and creative. This should not be the time when you ruminate on your problems.

This is a simple practice that you can do any time you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed. Our poor brain gets bombarded by so much stimuli and information every day. It is healthy to give it a break once in a while to just be and wander. I hope that you try the practice of niksen and that it is one more thing you can add to your arsenal of self-care ideas!

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