Introvert’s View

7 Quotes Curated by an introvert

I’m an introvert and also a lover of quotes. I feel like I have gained a lot of wisdom from searching for specific quotes that match my mood or that shed light on something I want to know more about. My Instagram account is chock full of my favorite quotes and I thought it would be fun to share some of them here today. If you want to see more check out my Instagram and please follow if you like it!

7 Quotes Curated by An Introvert:

The world would be a much different place if every one of us followed the wisdom of this quote. It’s tenant is simple, but putting it into action in real life is difficult. Mother Teresa was a very wise woman and I aspire to be more like her.

This is one of my all-time favorite quotes and if I could do what it says, I know my life would be easier. Some days I’m able to do it and others – not so much. This quote is probably what I would like to achieve most in my life. If you can do this what problems would you have?

I agree with this quote wholeheartedly. A good sense of humor is my favorite thing about a person. If you don’t take life to seriously and see the humor in even the darkest days it makes life a lot lighter and more fun. I also think there is nothing better in this world than a good long laugh!

This quote by Groucho Marx is very close to the one by St. Francis. You can tell by my collection of quotes that this is something that I struggle with. I think we all give events and or people too much power over us. I strive daily not to let other people or events dictate my happiness or peace. I’m also trying not to live in the past or the future, but in the present moment. These are difficult concepts to perfect, but that’s okay because I strive for progress, not perfection!

This quote is for all my introverted friends out there. Extroverts will not understand it at all. This quote reminds me of one I found by Charles Bukowski recently, which said, “I don’t hate people, I just feel better when they’re not around.” I think perhaps Thoreau felt the same. I am intrigued by people and I like to write about them, but I don’t understand most of them and I feel better when there aren’t a lot of people around. Hence, this is why I would rather sit on a pumpkin all by myself!

I love, love, love this quote. I did this my whole life as I’m sure many of you have too. I asked people who had never done what I wanted to do, who didn’t think as I did, and who conducted their lives differently than I did, for advice. I also let them have major sway over decisions concerning my life. It’s easy to do if you’re surrounded by strong personalities. I know now that this was a terrible mistake on my part. I no longer do this because I have realized this life is mine alone and I need to live it how I see fit!

I believe that the purpose of art is to inspire. I write this blog to help and inspire people to find their higher self and their true purpose. I agree with Bob, I think one of the most important things you can do for a person is inspire them. I feel inspired when I stand in an art gallery looking at one of my favorite paintings, when I’m listening to a beautiful song, or when I read a favorite poem. I am grateful for all the artists who create to inspire!

So there you have it, 7 quotes curated by me – an introvert. I hope like me, you were able to gain some valuable insight from the quotes of these wise people. Take care and remember you’re amazing!

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Introverts and Cats: Two Peas In A Pod

Cats and introverts are two peas in a pod. As an introvert, I feel cats are my spirit animal. I have a special affinity with them. We have three cats (Ellie, Olive and Peeps.) We enjoy spending time together and then we go off and do our own thing. It’s a perfect relationship. They crave time alone to recharge as much as I do.

I thought it would be fun to share some interesting facts and trivia about cats in this blog. As well as some surprising similarities between introverts and felines. I hope you learn something new about these wonderful furry introverted creatures!

benefits of a human-cat bond

  • Research has found that the human-cat relationship makes both humans and cats happier.
  • Cat owners are healthier psychologically.
  • Good for our hearts and help reduce the risk of having a stroke.
  • Being exposed to cat’s in childhood reduces the risk of allergies, pneumonia and bronchiolitis.

things you may not know about cats

  • Research is being done that shows that cats bond with their owners the same way children do. Through personality mirroring. They may absorb and mirror some of our personality traits.
  • Cats have physical traits that are similar to infants. This is known as “baby schema,” facial features like small nose and mouth, big forehead and large head and eyes. These cute physical traits enhance our want to take care of them.
  • They are the only mammal who can’t taste sweetness
  • They can jump up to six times their length
  • Cats have an extra organ that lets them taste scents in the air. Have you ever seen them stare with their mouth open? They are actually tasting something in the air when they do this.
  • They walk like camels and giraffes, they move both of their right feet first and then both of their left feet. No other animal walks like this.
  • These furry friends sleep between 12 and 16 hours per day.
  • Cats have 100 different vocalizations, dogs only have 10.
  • Cats mark you as their territory.

similarities between cats and introverts

  • Neither cats or introverts are too jazzed about having people in their space, especially strangers.
  • We both prefer spending time with one or two of our favorite people.
  • Cats and introverts both enjoy spending time alone.
  • We both thrive on routine and predictability.
  • It takes introverts and cats awhile to warm up and get to know people.
  • We are both very picky about who we allow into our inner circle.

So, as you can see cats and introverts really are two peas in a pod. A dog may be man’s best friend, but a cat is definitely an introvert’s best friend! Take care and I hope you have a puuurfect day!

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5 Tips to live your best introvert life

Life as an introvert is a challenging and wild ride. Introverts are solitary people who are thrust into a social world that they must learn to navigate to survive and thrive.

Unfortunately, our current social structure isn’t built for introverted people. That’s why it’s important that we learn different techniques and tricks to help us deal with the everyday social pressures of the world in which we live.

I have tried to share some tips in this blog that will help you to live your best introvert life!

5 Tips To Live Your Best Introvert Life

  1. Embrace and be grateful you’re an introvert. – You are a unique and deep-thinking individual who cares deeply for others. Your quiet and peaceful nature is much needed in the chaotic, in-your-face culture that is so pervasive today. So embrace and be proud of who you are and never allow anyone to make you feel less. I find if you change your perspective, you change your life. Start seeing yourself as the beautiful person you are and your days can’t help but be brighter!
  2. Build downtime into your day. – As introverts, we need time alone to recharge. The majority of us work in offices and they are built for social interaction. You just have to be a little inventive to find the alone time you need. For example, you could take a walk on your break or eat lunch on your own. Also, try to space out your social events throughout the week. This gives you time to stay home and recharge in between.
  3. Plan your next joyful experience. – Did you ever notice how good you feel when you think about a fun activity or trip you have planned for the future? This good feeling is something you can cultivate all the time by making sure you always have a fun activity or trip coming up shortly. It can be a vacation or visiting a new city for the weekend. Or it can just be dinner at your favorite restaurant, a concert, or a movie you’ve been waiting to see. It just has to be something that makes you feel excited and something you look forward to doing. Also, by always having something planned in the near future, it will make you feel less guilty when you’re staying home and introverting !
  4. Stop having one-sided relationships. – As introverts, we tend to attract emotionally needy people. This is because we are caring and good listeners. It’s okay to be in a relationship with this kind of person as long as you are gaining something from the relationship too. The problem arises when the relationship becomes one-sided. You’re the one always arranging the plans for you to get together, the conversation is always about them or you feel bad when you leave the person. These are all red flags that say this isn’t a healthy relationship for you. The best way to handle a one-sided relationship is to distance yourself from that person. You’ll feel much better about yourself and it will also make space for new healthier relationships!
  5. Don’t feel bad about being by yourself. – Our culture idolizes socializing. The person who is out and about with tons of friends and whose social calendar is full is seen as successful. So, when we compare ourselves to this misconception we feel like failures. It’s perfectly acceptable to have one or two friends and to spend time by yourself. This doesn’t make you weird or a loner, it just makes you an introvert. So stop feeding into society’s idea of what is successful and what isn’t. I guarantee you’re as happy and successful, if not more so than the social butterflies. Just be yourself and be okay with that!

I hope you learned some helpful tips on how to live your best introvert life. It has taken me a while, but I’m finally able to accept myself for who I am. No matter who you are this is the first step to a healthier and happy life! Keep on introverting!

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How to honor your introverted child’s temperament

I have been an introvert my whole life. I am middle-aged now, so I feel that makes me somewhat of an expert on introverted things. When I was growing up, the word introvert was not the mainstream concept it is today. My parents always said I was shy and sensitive. They raised me to think that these were qualities of my personality that needed to be overcome, not embraced.

I spent my childhood, teens, and young adult years trying to be more social, outgoing, and tougher. I don’t blame my parents for this. They didn’t know that what they were doing was detrimental and I know that they were trying to help me.

That being said though, If you are a parent reading this, I implore you not to make your introverted child feel the way I did growing up. They deserve you to accept, embrace and be proud of who they are innately. I hope that this blog will help you to do that.

“I was not the kind of kid you could say go to your room

as a punishment, because my room was heaven to me,

my isolation was welcome.”

-Jim Carrey

Special traits of your introvert child

-Introverted children have a very well-developed inner world. They are born with a strong inner guidance system. They will often look within for guidance and not outside themselves for support or guidance.

– Bright and curious about the world. They want to know about everything in their world on a deeper level. (My favorite thing when I was a kid was my best friend’s family’s set of encyclopedias. I had so many questions that I found I couldn’t get answered, so the encyclopedias were amazing to me!)

– Possess wisdom beyond their years and they can step outside themselves and reflect on their behavior. This is not something all children can do. In my experience, I’m not sure it is something most adults can do.

– Observers. They prefer to watch something first and then try it. They don’t like to jump right into something. Which means they are less likely to engage in risky behaviors.

-Make decisions based on their likes and values. They choose their music, books, shoes, clothes, and hobbies and they could care less if it’s what’s popular. This quality makes them less likely to succumb to peer pressure.

-Thinkers, creators, and problem-solvers. They try hard to understand human nature and try to figure out what makes someone tick.

How you can nurture your introverted child

-Being an introvert means that you gain energy from spending time alone. So make sure that you don’t overschedule your child. Allow them plenty of time at home, where they can play and do activities solo.

-Space out activities and social times throughout the week with free days at home between them. This will give them time to recharge.

-Know that your child may have only one or two friends and that this is perfectly normal. They are never going to be social butterflies with tons of friends. It is important to let them know that you think this is okay too.

-They are deep thinkers so encouraging reading, taking them to museums, and visiting art galleries are all amazing ways to nurture your young introvert.

– Our society is a lover of extroverts, so it is important as a parent to counterbalance this bias by helping your child feel comfortable with who they are. To let them know that about 40% of people in the world are introverts and that they are wonderful and special.

-Share with them all the special traits that they possess because they are an introvert.

-They like to assess and observe a situation before they join in. Let them do this instead of pushing them into an uncomfortable position, which may make them dislike something before they have even given it a try.

-Many children who are introverts are also highly sensitive. These two qualities oftentimes go hand in hand. This sensitivity should be nurtured and encouraged because it is one of the things that makes them special. This sensitivity also correlates with artistic ability. An artist must be sensitive to create art. That’s why many introverts are also extraordinary artists, musicians, actors, writers, dancers, etc…

I hope that this blog will help you to honor your introverted child’s temperament. You are very lucky to have this special soul in your life. Our world needs more deep thinking, reflective and artistic people in it. So let’s nurture and support the little ones who were born to do just that!

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5 strong Introvert women characters in film and tV

This blog is about my favorite strong introvert women characters in film and TV. Unfortunately, tough introverted women characters are not prevalent in film and TV. Most strong women portrayed in popular culture today are extroverts. That being said, the characters that I am writing about here today are extraordinary and if you are an introvert they should make you proud!

Aibileen Clark – The help

Aibileen Clark played by Viola Davis in The Help is my favorite introvert character in all of TV and film. She plays a warm compassionate maid in Jackson Mississippi in the 1960s during the civil rights movement. Over her career as a maid, she has raised 18 white children. When we see her with her current employer’s child, Mae Mobley we are struck by what a special person she is. She says to Mae in one scene, “you is kind, you is smart, you is important,” to try and balance out the damaging self-esteem comments her mother often says to her.

She is an inspirational character because she bears the oppression of the period with a strong and quiet resilience that is rarely seen in women characters. She is also courageous, risking everything when she decides to share stories of the racist housewives that mistreat her and the other maids in the town. Every time I watch this film it makes me want to be a better person. Aibileen Clark is someone that we should all aspire to be like!

Katniss Everdeen – The Hunger Games

Katniss Everdeen played by Jennifer Lawrence in The Hunger Games is another amazing introvert character. Katniss is stuck in a dystopian world where almost everything has been taken from her family and the district that she lives in. Her father has died and her mother wasn’t strong enough to step up, so Katniss has assumed the leadership role for her mother and sister Primrose.

Katniss is able to adapt to this new world in courageous and innovative ways. She learns to use a bow and arrow so she can hunt for food. This helps her family and also brings more food to the district because she trades it on the black market.

Her courage and character really come to light when she volunteers to go to the Hunger Games in place of her sister who was picked to go. While participating in the games she fights intelligently and valiantly, ultimately winning it all.

She does all of this in a quiet, reserved, and humble way. She is intelligent, thoughtful, and a born leader. All of the things that make introverts so special. This is why Katniss Everdeen is another one of my favorite strong introvert characters.

Iris Simpkin – The Holiday

Iris Simpkin played by Kate Winslet in The Holiday is such a likable and kind introvert. Iris is someone we can all relate to. She lives in a small town in London in a picturesque cottage with her dog. She spends hours drinking tea and reading by the fire.

Iris is in love with a man who uses her and doesn’t appreciate her. She flees her life and decides to take a vacation in Los Angeles. While in LA she befriends an old Hollywood writer and he helps her to see her worth and to realize that she needs to be the “Leading lady in her own life” and not the “best friend” role she has been playing.

Iris has such a beautiful character arc through which she realizes her own power and then has the courage to change. She is such a powerful introvert character!

June Osborne – The Handmaid’s Tale

June Osborne played by Elisabeth Moss in The Handmaid’s Tale is a bad-ass introvert. Of all the characters I’ve written about here today, she is the strongest. She has an inner indomitable spirit that can not be defeated. None of this strength is displayed outwardly, but the inner quiet strength that she has cannot be denied.

I won’t go into the details, of what June has to go through, in case you haven’t seen the show, but it is horrendous and something that no person should have to endure. She is courageous and selfless for her children and her fellow handmaids. She gives little thought to herself and her needs. She is a truly inspiring introvert and a character that I have the utmost respect for!

Jamie Sullivan – A Walk to Remember

Jamie Sullivan played by Mandy Moore in A Walk to Remember is the sweetest of introverts. She is the minister’s daughter in a small town in North Carolina. Jamie is shy and doesn’t have a lot of friends. Although in true introvert fashion this does not matter to her in the least. She reads during lunch at school and is perfectly happy with who she is as a person. She also has a strong steadfast faith in God.

Her life is turned upside down when Landon Carter resident bad boy in town enters her life. He is forced to volunteer to help tutor kids and be in the school play with her as punishment for a dangerous prank he played on a friend.

Jamie is at first annoyed by Landon, then she tries to help him and eventually falls for him. Her character shows how believing in someone, loving them, and having faith in God can change someone and their life trajectory.

Jamie’s character in this film shows what a force for good someone who believes in themselves and their convictions can be in the world. She shows the power of the introvert and I absolutely love her!

So those are my favorite strong introvert characters in film and TV. If you haven’t seen these movies and shows that showcase these amazing character’s yet, I hope that maybe you’ll give them a watch. Every one of them in their own way makes me proud to be a woman and an introvert!

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5 social survival tactics for introverts

Today I’m going to share some of my social survival tactics for introverts. If you’re an introvert I know you’ll relate to how far I will go to not be social. I’m sure you have done similar things yourself. I hope this post helps you to find some new ways to survive the social pressures of being an introvert!

The See from a distance and dodge

I am always on the lookout for people I know when I am in stores and restaurants. It is important to spot them from afar so there is no chance of a face-to-face meeting. The secret to this tactic is to see them before they see you, and then do your best to avoid them. I do this, a lot and it has been a tried and true survival tactic for me!

The freeze and take cover

When the doorbell rings at most homes the normal protocol is to go to the door and answer it. In my household, the normal protocol is to freeze and take cover and make it seem as if nobody is home. We stay frozen until the person goes away or if we’re feeling adventurous we might sneak over and see who’s there. However, under no circumstances do we answer the door if we are not expecting a visitor to our house!

The Call Screen

I hate talking on the phone. I think most introverts feel the same way. I rarely pick up my phone when it rings. I dread getting a call because I know I will eventually have to return it. I don’t know why I dislike talking on the phone so much. Maybe it’s the pressure of having to think of things to say on the spot. All I know is it is one of my least favorite things to do and screening my calls is a survival tactic that works for me because it gives me time to prepare for the conversation.

The find a pet at a party

I can’t tell you how many parties I have been to that I ended up hanging out with the host’s dog or cat more than the people at the party. I have some very fond memories of some special furry friends. Parties are overwhelming to introverts so finding a quiet spot off in a corner with a pet can be a welcome respite. I’m sure my introvert friends reading this can relate and this is another wonderful social survival tactic for us!

the Have your own ride

Bringing your car or having access to other transportation when going out with a group of people is a very important social survival tactic. There is nothing worse than being stuck somewhere when you’ve had enough peopling and your energy is drained. If you have your car, then you can politely say you are tired and head on home whenever your heart desires. This has saved me more times than I can count!

I hope that these survival tactics will be helpful to other introverts in maneuvering the social landscape of their lives. This post is all in fun and I may have exaggerated some things in the name of comedy, but they are actually things I do to handle social situations in my own life. Take care and happy introverting!

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