5 summer survival tips

Summer Survival Tip #1

how to Stay safe in the sun

The two most important things to have when spending a day out in the sun are sunscreen and sunglasses!

Sunscreen is important so you protect your skin from skin cancer, but wait 15 minutes after being in the sun to put it on so you can get vitamin D. Most people don’t get enough vitamin D, and our bodies make it when exposed to sunlight. It only takes 15 minutes in the sun to get your daily dose! (Sun Bum sunscreen is my favorite. It’s non-toxic and I never get burned when I use it.)

Sunglasses are important to protect your eyes from the sun. They protect from UV light, cataracts, macular degeneration, reduce headaches & migraines, and from outdoor debris. (Make sure your sunglasses say they protect against UV rays.)

Summer Survival Tip #2

Hydration 101

Follow these helpful hints when temperatures are high or you’re very active:

  • Drink half to one ounce of water for each pound that you weigh (sports drinks can be part of this)
  • Stay inside when it’s too hot
  • Don’t wait until your thirsty to drink something
  • Dress for the weather
  • Flavor your water

Signs of dehydration:

  • Darker than usual urine
  • Drowsiness
  • Irritability
  • Fever or chills
  • Fast heartbeat
  • Craving sweets
  • Bad breath
  • Dry mouth
  • Muscle cramps

Hydration is extremely important for your health. When you are working, exercising, or having fun out in the heat, it should be a top priority!

Summer Survival tip #3

super easy beach hacks

Make a beach lei out of sponges. Buy some big sponges, cut them up and thread them to make a necklace. When you get to the beach or pool and get it wet the evaporation will help keep you cool.

Use a fitted sheet to keep your blanket sand free. Turn the fitted sheet fitted side up and then put bags, coolers and such in the corners. Voila, keeps the sand and the wind to a minimum!

Use a sled with a long handle to put all your beach stuff on and then drag it across the sand.

Summer Survival Tip #4

how to keep Mosquitos away Naturally

  • Buy a couple of limes, cut them in half, and then stick cloves in each of the halves. Put these around your outdoor area.
  • Mix up one-third cup 3% hydrogen peroxide and two-thirds cup water and spray around the perimeter of where you’ll be spending time outside.
  • Mosquitos hate lavender. Put a few drops of lavender oil on your hands and rub in before you go outside.
  • Mix 1 TBSP. pure vanilla extract with 1 TBSP. water and apply to your skin with a cotton ball.

summer survival Tip #5

Unique Cookout Party hacks

Put all your condiments in a muffin pan. It will take up less room at your table and it will be easier for your guests.

Create an instant snack bowl with any bag of chips. It’s simple, looks cool and it makes it a lot easier to eat the chips. Just fold the top part of the bag inward a couple of times and then roll up from the bottom- instant bowl!

Rub half an onion over your grill to make it non-stick. It also adds flavor!

I hope that you learned some new tips! Some of these are new to me too and I’m excited to try them out. Take care and keep cool!

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how to never be bored

I don’t get bored very often. I am intrigued by the world around me. There are so many things that I find interesting, places I want to travel, and things I want to experience. As Henry Miller said so eloquently, “develop interest in life as you see it; in people, things, literature, music – the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich treasures, beautiful souls, and interesting people. Forget yourself.”

My grandmother used to say you have to have “joi de vivre” or “a love of life.” This is the feeling you have when you’re doing something that brings you great enjoyment. Many times this joi de vivre gives us joy because it allows us to escape ourselves; by helping someone else, creating something or by having fun.

I believe it’s extremely important for every one of us to find things in life that make us happy to be alive. Things that make us want to jump out of bed because we can’t wait to get to them. I hope that this blog will give you more joi de vivre!

Learn to Moodle

This idea comes from writer Brenda Ueland. She thinks that our imaginations need moodling, which she defines as” long, inefficient, happy idling, dawdling and puttering” to flourish. During this time she says to do some “personal sleuthing” to find out what brings you pleasure. Think about the things you enjoyed in your past, but set aside because life got in the way. Did you like spending Sunday afternoons meandering through art galleries or museums? Did you used to paint or write poetry? Volunteer at a hospital? Moodling allows you to take the time to get to know who you are and what gets you excited about life. It’s impossible to be excited about something and bored at the same time!

do some research

There’s so much to do and experience in the world. You’d be surprised at how many fun things there are to do and ways there are to give back in your own town. It’s easy to get tunnel vision sometimes and never really venture past our tried and true daily experiences. There’s a whole world out there. Why not go on a fact-finding mission to see what looks interesting and excites you? Then go out and try new things, because you never know where your joi de vivre will come from, and at the very least it will keep you from being bored!

be less selfish

In Richard Winter’s book, Still Bored in A Culture of Entertainment, he makes a case that boredom and selfishness are related. “One of the reasons why boredom has become so much more common is because we have become preoccupied with looking after ourselves, making sure our needs are met, and to put it bluntly, we have become too selfish.”

Let’s face it, we’re all selfish. It is part of the human condition. It’s important to realize that selfishness is a part of who we are, so we can work on overcoming it. Selfishness is a major contributor to boredom and unhappiness. A preoccupation with ourselves and our problems is never going to be conducive to bringing us more joi de vivre. So in light of this fact, here are some things you can do to become less selfish and I promise less bored too!

  • Listen attentively to people – Attentively meaning; eye contact and nodding. Ask them questions and show them that you’re interested.
  • Give sincere compliments – Not just about someone’s looks, but something that you admire or respect about them as a person.
  • Clean up after yourself and help others.
  • Take the focus off yourself and on to someone else.
  • Put your phone aside when there are other people around.
  • Give blood.
  • Make plans with someone you care about.
  • Tell a joke and make people laugh.
  • Be empathetic when you know someone is going through a bad time.

As Ferris Bueller said, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while you could miss it.” I hope this blog inspires you to take a look around and get outside yourself and your usual limits. There are so many amazing and beautiful things in this world that there is absolutely no time to be bored. However, there is plenty of time to nurture and develop more joi de vivre!

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8 Ways to truly relax

I needed to write this blog for myself. My idea of relaxing most of the time is watching television or playing on my phone. These activities are fine, but they shouldn’t be the only way in which I recharge. If you’re anything like me you probably don’t use your downtime in a way that makes you feel relaxed and recharged either. Today I’m sharing some things you can do that will truly leave you more relaxed; body, mind, and spirit!

8 Ways to truly Relax

1) Read

Reading is an amazing way to relax. It improves our mental health as well as reduces stress. It also enhances our focus, memory, empathy, and communication skills. In addition to all that, it also teaches us new things!

2) Take A Warm Bath

Soaking in a warm bath can do amazing things for our stress levels. It relaxes our muscles and lowers blood pressure. Taking a bath before bedtime can also improve sleep!

3) Do a Guided Meditation

Guided meditation is a perfect way to relax and destress after a busy day. There are so many great guided meditation apps available. Here are a few of my favorites; Calm, Insight Timer, and Headspace.

4) Exercise

Exercise not only relaxes us but also improves our health and sense of well-being. Exercise pumps up the feel-good chemicals in our brains. It is a meditation in motion, which allows us to forget the stresses of our day by concentrating on the movement of our bodies.

5) Spend Time Outside

Time spent outside in nature is an amazing way to relax. A walk around the neighborhood or a hike in the woods lowers blood pressure, reduces stress hormone levels, improves immune system function, and increases self-esteem. It also reduces anxiety and buoys mood!

6) Spend Time With Your Pets

Spending time cuddling and playing with animals is very relaxing. It reduces levels of cortisol and lowers blood pressure. Time with animals can also decrease feelings of loneliness and boost our mood.

7) Listen To Music

Music is a great relaxation technique. It’s also great for our mental health. The rhythmic and repetitive aspect of music does something to our brain that automatically calms us.

8) Go For A Massage Or Facial

A facial or massage is a wonderful way to relax and a great form of self-care. It’s important to incorporate special forms of relaxation and self-care into our busy schedules. It’s okay to be pampered once in a while – we deserve it!

I hope you will try to integrate some of these relaxation activities into your weekly schedule. I think you’ll have more peace and be more rested if you are intentional with how you spend your downtime!

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Summer Playlist 2022

I just created my 2nd annual summer playlist! Music is an important part of my life. I enjoy finding great new music. My kids are into music too, so they’re always introducing me to wonderful new artists. I wanted to share some of the music I’ve been listening to lately. I hope that you’re having an amazing summer and that you enjoy some of these tunes!

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Acceptance is the road to change

Accept How You feel

Why has it been drilled into our heads since birth that we should strive to be happy all the time? Happiness seems like a fickle master to me. There’s so much information out there on how to live a happier life. I’ve written a blog or two on the subject myself. Maybe happiness isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. What if when we’re unhappy we accepted and embraced it, instead of fighting it and feeling bad that we’re not happy?

As human beings, we’re going to experience all kinds of emotions. The chemicals in our bodies reacting to the environment make us feel sad, excited, scared, lonely, afraid, and a myriad of other emotions that are not happy.

Emotions are normal and they change a lot, just like the weather. We don’t feel bad when bad weather rolls in, instead, we accept it and wait for it to pass. Our emotions change faster than the weather and the majority of the time happiness is not in the forecast. So let’s take ourselves off the hook and accept whatever emotion might pass through us at any given time.

Instead of suppressing how we feel, let’s notice and observe the emotions instead. We need to stop beating ourselves up for having negative feelings. By facing our negative emotions and not judging ourselves, we can see ourselves clearly and not as we want to be. To make the life we want, we must accept what and where we are!

Accept Who You Are

Below is an amazing quote about accepting who we are and not caring what other people think of us:

“We are going to cross paths with people that just don’t understand us. That’s just a part of life.

Stop worrying about what other people think of you and focus on yourself instead.

Focus on what makes you happy, focus on what makes your soul at peace.

You are the biggest commitment, so start loving your flaws, your awkwardness, your weirdness, your intensity and your vulnerability.

Life becomes so much more fulfilling when you are just simply yourself.

The world keeps spinning whether people understand you or not, so why not make this next trip around the sun about you.”

The Mind Journal – Unknown

acceptance is the road to change

Acceptance doesn’t mean giving up and it doesn’t mean approving of something we don’t like. It also doesn’t mean we’ve failed or surrendered, and that we’re still not working for change. Acceptance only means that we’re aware that things are what they are.

When we make the decision to accept a person, place or thing we’re taking the first step to making a change when it’s possible and to finding peace when change isn’t possible. It also allows us to accept life as it is, not what we wish it was, or want it to be, and not what we think it should be.

It doesn’t mean we’re giving up. Actually, it takes a lot of effort to accept the things we cannot change and change the things we can. It also takes a lot of wisdom to discern between the two.

Surprisingly, pain doesn’t cause suffering, but resistance to pain does. We suffer when we want reality to be different than it is. One beautiful way to stop this resistance is to practice Amor Fati, which means loving fate. Not just accepting, but absolutely loving what is! It asks us to stop wishing for different outcomes and to stop the what-ifs and if onlys. Accepting the things we cannot change and embracing them!

I hope this blog was as enlightening to you as it was to me. I found that acceptance is a very powerful tool for self-discovery and peace. I have spent a lot of time wishing for different outcomes and getting caught up in the what-ifs and if-onlys. I see what a waste of time this is and I also see how it causes me undue suffering. I’m going to make every effort to practice Amor Fati and accept and embrace my destiny. I hope that I have inspired you to do the same!

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5 Tips to live your best introvert life

Life as an introvert is a challenging and wild ride. Introverts are solitary people who are thrust into a social world that they must learn to navigate to survive and thrive.

Unfortunately, our current social structure isn’t built for introverted people. That’s why it’s important that we learn different techniques and tricks to help us deal with the everyday social pressures of the world in which we live.

I have tried to share some tips in this blog that will help you to live your best introvert life!

5 Tips To Live Your Best Introvert Life

  1. Embrace and be grateful you’re an introvert. – You are a unique and deep-thinking individual who cares deeply for others. Your quiet and peaceful nature is much needed in the chaotic, in-your-face culture that is so pervasive today. So embrace and be proud of who you are and never allow anyone to make you feel less. I find if you change your perspective, you change your life. Start seeing yourself as the beautiful person you are and your days can’t help but be brighter!
  2. Build downtime into your day. – As introverts, we need time alone to recharge. The majority of us work in offices and they are built for social interaction. You just have to be a little inventive to find the alone time you need. For example, you could take a walk on your break or eat lunch on your own. Also, try to space out your social events throughout the week. This gives you time to stay home and recharge in between.
  3. Plan your next joyful experience. – Did you ever notice how good you feel when you think about a fun activity or trip you have planned for the future? This good feeling is something you can cultivate all the time by making sure you always have a fun activity or trip coming up shortly. It can be a vacation or visiting a new city for the weekend. Or it can just be dinner at your favorite restaurant, a concert, or a movie you’ve been waiting to see. It just has to be something that makes you feel excited and something you look forward to doing. Also, by always having something planned in the near future, it will make you feel less guilty when you’re staying home and introverting !
  4. Stop having one-sided relationships. – As introverts, we tend to attract emotionally needy people. This is because we are caring and good listeners. It’s okay to be in a relationship with this kind of person as long as you are gaining something from the relationship too. The problem arises when the relationship becomes one-sided. You’re the one always arranging the plans for you to get together, the conversation is always about them or you feel bad when you leave the person. These are all red flags that say this isn’t a healthy relationship for you. The best way to handle a one-sided relationship is to distance yourself from that person. You’ll feel much better about yourself and it will also make space for new healthier relationships!
  5. Don’t feel bad about being by yourself. – Our culture idolizes socializing. The person who is out and about with tons of friends and whose social calendar is full is seen as successful. So, when we compare ourselves to this misconception we feel like failures. It’s perfectly acceptable to have one or two friends and to spend time by yourself. This doesn’t make you weird or a loner, it just makes you an introvert. So stop feeding into society’s idea of what is successful and what isn’t. I guarantee you’re as happy and successful, if not more so than the social butterflies. Just be yourself and be okay with that!

I hope you learned some helpful tips on how to live your best introvert life. It has taken me a while, but I’m finally able to accept myself for who I am. No matter who you are this is the first step to a healthier and happy life! Keep on introverting!

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