Easy things to do that help with spiritual growth

Abundance is not something we acquire. It’s something we tune into.”

Wayne Dyer

One of the great things about writing this blog is it forces me out of my comfort zone and makes me search for new and interesting information on all sorts of subjects. Spirituality is something that is an important part of my life. You may be asking yourself what does being spiritual even mean and why should I want to grow spiritually? Being a spiritual person to me means believing that there is a power greater than me out there. I also think that we are spiritual beings inhabiting a material world. Spirituality to me has nothing to do with religion, although there are tenets of some religions that resonate with me.

Reasons to Grow Spiritually:

  1. Find a sense of purpose and meaning in your life.
  2. A way to find inner peace
  3. Learn new ways to think and love
  4. Take control of your life
  5. Learn about yourself
  6. Give more clarity around major life decisions

I have to admit that as of late, I have fallen into a bit of a spiritual rut. I have been content with reading books that I’ve been reading forever and my spiritual routine has not changed in a long time. I feel like it’s time for me to shake things up a bit. So I did a little bit of research and here is what I came up with. I hope you find something new to help you along on your spiritual journey!

Try Uma Beepat’s 555 Practice: Do these 3 things before beginning your day!

-5 minutes of meditation

-5 minutes of stretching

-5 minutes mentally preparing for the day ( looking at your calendar, making a to do list)

Help Others: This does not mean you have to run out and join the Peace Corps. Just being kind to people you come into contact with every day is an amazing way to help others. Family, friends, co-workers, people you see at the store or on the street. It is really as easy as taking the focus off yourself and putting it on other people. It means more than you think when you look someone in the eye and smile. Hug and tell your family and friends that you love them. One thing I do sometimes when I am out in public is to say “God bless them” when I pass strangers. It especially makes me feel good if it looks like someone is having a bad day or I can tell they are down on their luck. Praying and blessing someone is a sure fire way to help others.

Start a Gratitude Journal: This advice is in every book, blog and article on self help and spirituality. So you think that I would have a gratitude journal, but for some reason I have not started one. I have a pretty journal all ready, but for some reason I haven’t written in it yet. Focusing on all the wonderful things in your life is a way to take the focus off what you feel you are lacking. I am making a commitment here and now to start writing in my journal tonight, I hope you will too!

Listen to Your Gut, Live in the Present, Think Positively: I believe that if you can do these three things consistently, you will have a happy and peaceful life. I know, easier said than done, but remember progress not perfection is what we’re striving for here!

Sit Outside in Nature for 15 Minutes: There is nothing better for your soul than spending time in nature. It is even better if you can find a patch of sunlight so you can soak up some vitamin D. Living things need time outside to recharge. So try to get out there for at least 15 minutes a day and I think you’ll see that it makes all the difference!

So there we go, some easy things to add to your spiritual practice repertoire! I feel like I have some things in my arsenal now to help me out of my rut and now all I have to do is put them into practice. I hope that you were inspired to try some new things too!

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